Nathan Saucier

Nathan Saucier is a filmmaker and media technologist, focused in direction and post-production of films and installation media. He directs and manages post-production workflows for organizations like Non-Event, Open Documentary Lab, MIT Media Lab, List Visual Arts Center, Harvard CAMLab, The Guardian, and Institute of Time. Recently, he was a fellow at the Harvard Film Study Center, directing a forthcoming film on automation and climate in aquaculture.

He completed his S.M. in Comparative Media Studies at MIT, where he studied VR design and color science. His thesis, Operational Images and the Interpretive Turn, is an inquiry into machine vision and automated imagery. His teaching background includes lecturing in English and media at Far East University in South Korea, as well as the fundamentals of science documentary and climate media filmmaking at MIT.

He now produces XR experiences for Leiden University, where he is working toward the creation of a full-scale studio to support virtual production, motion capture, 3D scanning, and other emerging technologies relevant to the expansion of the field of education.