Tula Verhalle

She Obtained both a master degree in Biomedical Sciences (BMS) and an additional teaching degree at KU Leuven. In December 2018, Tula joined the KU Leuven Faculty of Medicine and the Zwijsen’s Lab as a teaching assistant. She is a teaching crew member for (1) ‘Praktische Vaardigheden – Biomedical research project’, 2nd bachelor BMS and (2) the workshops ‘Developmental Biology’, 3rd bachelor BMS. Furthermore, she supports the BMS program in various ways e.g. organizing master theses, supporting the Your Future Awaits program, alumni BMS, SID-ins … On top, Tula is project coordinator of an Innovative Digital Learning (IDL) project named ViSkiLab (Virtual Skills Lab). It’s an educational 360°-Virtual Reality app which is enrolled in the 1st bachelor of BMS in the second semester of AY 2021-2022.  Tula is a member of the Bachelor and Master Educational Steering Committee for BMS and the committee on general well-being at work, and represents AAP-BAP-OP1-OP2 for the group BMS in the Education Council KU Leuven and the Faculty council.